Sunday 26 February 2017

Karachi Board SSC 9th 10th Class matric date sheet 2017

Karachi Board SSC 9th 10th Class matric date sheet 2017 will announce soon, Expected date is from 28 March 2017, So all the SSC-I and SSC-II students be prepared for annual examination 2017.

Thursday 23 February 2017

FBISE Federal Board Matric 10th Class Date Sheet 2017

FBISE Federal Board Matric 10th Class Date Sheet 2017 is announced for all those students who have register them self for appearing in the annual examination of Federal Board of intermediate and Secondary Education. As per to the announced notification of the officials of the Board Matric class annual examination will start from the month March. So students keep in touch with this page for all kinds of latest updates regarding the final date sheet. So students as you hear that the final examination is going to start so you should start your preparation today as some of the students still wait for the final date sheet to be announced so that they could start their preparation but this is not the right way as this time has provided to the students just for the sake of revision but students get this thing when the time has gone and nothing left in their hands as no one among you is now unaware of the fact that how much Matric SSC Part 2 10th class is important for a students in his or her whole education career so while knowing that why students always take their studies for granted. So students you can get FBISE Federal Board Matric 10th Class Date Sheet 2017 from this page as soon as the official will announce it so do not waste you time just focus on your studies.

Reference: FBISE

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

 "Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah"

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi on the 25th December, 1876. His father, Jinnah Poonah, was a big merchant of Karachi. Mr. Poonjah wanted to give good education to his son and kept him away from business.
Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah received his early education in Karachi and Bombay. He passed his Entrance Examination in 1891. In his school days lie was very painstaking in his studies. He observed the rules of discipline. He was also very punctual in attendance. All these pointed to his future greatness. For his good qualities, he was very much loved by his teachers and fellow-students.
His father’s friend, Mr. Federick Croft, discovered signs of a great man in him. He advised his father to send him to England for higher studies. Accordingly Mr. Jinnah left for England in 1892.
Mr. Jinnah stayed in England for four years. He, here studied the ways of the English people. He was very much impressed to find that all of them, rich or poor, loved their motherland. There he came under the influence of a patriotic Pakistani. Dadabhoy Nooroji.
After having successfully finished his education. Mr. Jinnah returned to India in 1896. At that time his father’s business was not running well. So to earn money for the family, he started practice in Karachi. But he could not do well. He left Karachi and went to Bombay to try his luck there. Here, too his practice was dull for three years. At last, he accepted the service as Third Presidency Magistrate of Bombay. But he was confident that he would do well as a lawyer. So he gave up the service after some time and joined the bar. This time-fortune smiled on him. Within a short time he was recognised as a distinguished lawyer. His fame spread far and wide.
In 1905, Mr. Jinnah came in close contact with Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Mr. Gokhale was then the president of the Indian National Congress. Soon he became its most important leader. He was called the Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity. But he was disillusioned in 1930. For he then realised that the only object of the Congress was to establish Hindu’ rule in India. He, therefore, separated himself from the Congress. He devoted himself in organising the Muslims. His leadership kindled a new imagination among the frustrated Muslims. He created political consciousness among the Muslims of India. It was due to his guidance and leadership the Muslims regained their confidence. Each and every Muslim responded to his clarion call. And they with one voice demanded a separate homeland for them.
In 1940 the famous Pakistan Resolution was adopted, The struggle for Pakistan is a story of a continuous struggle against, a host of obstacles and it Was his guidance and leadership which provided us a but work of strength at these difficult times.
The creation of Pakistan was due to the untiring labour and of Quaid-i-Azam. He won Pakistan by his irrefutable arguments. He is called the “Father of the Nation”. For like a father, he acquired a homeland for us.
Though in shattered health, he had to accept the first Governor Generalship of Pakistan. He died in harness on the 11th September, 1948.

Health is Wealth

"Health is Wealth"

It is a famous saying,” If Wealth is lost nothing is lost, If health is lost, something is lost, but if character is lost then every thing is lost”. Those are really unfortunate people who give the highest importance to wealth only instead of health or character. Health and character are totally neglected.
This saying is hundred percent correct that Health is Wealth but wealth does not only mean money. It means something very useful and precious. People collect wealth but health is more important then wealth.
Let us suppose the example of q man who is very wealthy. He has a plenty of money, all the comforts of the world, a grand house, fine clothes, best of food, but he has no health. I-Ic is ill, suffering from some disease. Will he be happy? He would not be able to enjoy the good things of life he has got because he is not healthy. On the other hand, let us consider a poor man who does not possess all these comforts of life, still he posses a good health, he will certainly, be happy.
He is free from all types of pains, sufferings and diseases. That is his great happiness. One is unhappy inspite of his wealth, while the other is happy although he has no wealth. That is why we say that health is wealth.
Wealth is not a bad thing. In fact, it is also necessary for life. However, with wealth, health is absolutely necessary. You cannot sleep a night if your body is in pains. You cannot cat the best of the food if your digestion is bad, you cannot enjoy the sight of beautiful things or notes of music if your eyes are in pain. Even a severe headache could turn all pleasure into pain.
When the body is diseased, even the mind is affected. “Sound mind in sound body” is also an old saying. The mind can remain healthy and active when the body is healthy. A person who is weak sickly cannot do much mental work. No doubt, it is true that there have been great men who had poor health but they should have one much better had they enjoyed better health. Health of the body is, therefore, absolutely necessary for mental work. Poor health means poor mind.
It is therefore, clear that health is like a great treasure and it must be guarded jealously. We must take the greatest care of our bodies. Seriously trouble with the machine of the body would mean death-an end to life itself. A man who possesses sound health is indeed a very rich man.

Problems of Karachi City

"Problems of Karachi City"

Karachi is the center of trade and economic activities, in past, it was regarded as the city of light as it was bright and glittering. The roads were washed every day in the evening and the lamp post were there to light every place. This all seems too fascinating and mad man’s dream at present, for Today’s Karachi is the opposite of what we heard of it from our parents. The Karachi 1 we find today is full of problems. Sewerage problem is the most severe problem of the day. The roads are usually blocked because of chock sewerage lines. These lines were meant for a small group’s need, but with the expansion of population, they obviously proved to be insufficient. The government solves individual sewerage problems on adhoc basis so the result is quite disappointing. The line which is fixed today chocks after few days and therefore, the dirty water is seen standing everywhere and causes several diseases. Another severe problem is the shortage of drinking water. Water is the basic need of every society;
Karachi has long been suffering the shortage of water and people are left on the mercy of Tankers. The connections that were earlier taken at home usually release air or if water comes, it stays for wink of an eye.The most pathetic thing is that some time sewerage water mixes with the drinking water and Spoils the stored water of the people. The problem is not over at this stage and as soon as summer arrives, it brings with it the load shading. The former city of light is now called the city of darkness. The unannounced and constant power failure hits everyone equally. The hospitals Factories, institutions and houses suffer badly and the usual work of life freezes. The irony is that complaints are not heard or if something is done to restore power; it proves to be short lived. In short we can say that problems of Karachi are numerous, and people are suffering and looking for a reformer to step forward m order to solve these problem.

Science A Curse or A Blessing

Science A Curse or A Blessing

Retributive nearly 6,000 period ago, men lived in a cave lie dressed himself in skins. He fed himself by toil and sport fishing. He had to work with his own keeping everything he needed. He went yearn distances on his own legs. His experience was tapering, cheerless, problematical and venturous. Ultramodern man lives a vastly diverse sentence. He is comfortably and elegantly housed, fed and panoplies. His humans is panoptic, blinking and moderately invulnerable. Old-tune animal toil is no human necessary for him. It is bailiwick that has brought almost this "spunky new man." This story of leisure and pleasure. In so far as field has finished this, it is orison. Let us lint took at the blinding back of the accolade.
Ability has prefabricated wonderful machines. It has revealed incredible energies which run these machines. Man needs no individual toil and mod with his hands and legs. The machine does most of his output for him. It gives him leisure. The imagine of a push-button creation has tome apodictic for him. Size has been destroyed. Neo mechanism and connection of prefab the experience decrease nigh to thing. Men and things and interestingness and views can skirt the globe with lightning speeding. Inter-planetary travelling is now a certainty. We are now on the eve of colonizing new planets.
Our lives hare transform healthier, New medicine, sanitation, penalization and surgery are subjection solon and more bodily and mental ills day by day. No disease is beyond aid now. The oldness of account has enlarged. The quinine has terminated malaria dull glucose injections put a new time in a dying man. Surgery has created wonders.Bailiwick also provides entertainments to millions of people. Theatre entertains us and radio and television provides recreation. The creation of nutrient has raised. Industry has been revolutionized. Hungriness has been regimented. In unforesightful, the technological development is awesome.
It is an habitual fact that field has prefabricated valuable try to the utilization of earthborn Intelligence. Crucial excellence has also made a wonderful tread. But the honorable utilization of man or moral values has been totally unnoticed. Ability has provided us with a vast render of couple shelf but alas it is not existence put to good use. As a ending of this, we someone miserably unsuccessful to reach the desired object. We somebody solon noesis and science but lower of reference and self-control. Technological developing has out-stripped our righteous or sacred procession. It has prefab us egotistic, greedy and maturate our lives pitiful with a horrible subsequent. So, Noble Tennyson laments that knowledge has develop but wisdom lingers.

Use and Abuses of Internet

uses of Internet
Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication. Internet is defined as a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of Internet, there is a lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from getting news across the corner of the world to accessing knowledge resources to shopping, everything is at your fingertips. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless the advantages of the Internet are so huge in number that they outperform the disadvantages quite easily. Let us see what are advantages and disadvantages of Internet.
Abuses of Internet
There are a lot of people who see the internet as a promoter of immorality. The first and the foremost Abuses of internet for students is the wastage of time in social networking websites like facebook, twitter, orkut etc, Students are found spending ample time with These social sites rather than with their books This habit spoils their time, learning habit in some case leads them to involve in immoral activities Besides this the general disadvantages are spamming. Theft of personal details, fraud, virus threat etc.

Terrorist Activities in Pakistan

Terrorism means to use violence to terrorize people for political purpose. It is also used to force or treat to weaken the courage of others In order to change one opinion. This one is the most serve-problem of the present age that people, all over the country as well as the whole Third World are facing this devilishness. The basic causes of terrorism are only to make the political position of the glob in certain. Terrorism becomes or may become conclusion effects of strain and too much anxiety.
The causes of terrorism always are the Immorality, malevolence and maliciousness and its very important aim, planning or intention is prevail, lawlessness, destruction and utter loss to innocent lives and properties. This devilish destruction forces are always in action and they remain ready to create political misadministration in the country. Terrorism is the worst form of barbarism. A barbaric action is always supposed as terrorism for it generates. These are countless terrorists groups in action in the world who are always busy in their evil detrimental actions.
Pakistan political environment has been very much disturbed not a single government could be able to establish itself for the specified period. During this span of time the rate of corruption enhanced very much. The graph of criminal activities raised due to the accountability forces. The standard of political awareness has been descending rapidly. Terrorism generates strains and anxiety to the decent and honest person of the world. It is an open challenge to our government, the law enforcing agencies and intelligence agencies to fight against this devilish deed.
Who is responsible for this vulgarity The answer is that who proposes to change the peaceful atmosphere into pathetic and these are the terrorist who play with the lives of innocent human brings for covetousness of money about which they do not know that this money is transitory thing which they do not know that everything in this world will remain here when he will go into the mouth of death.
At this stage it has become most essential to wipe out terrorism form the horizon of the glob and to everyone living this Third World and Pakistan in particular, should be provided their rights on the bases of real just.

Important English Essays For 11th & 12th Class 2017

English Essay Topics for 12th Class

  • Terrorism.
  • Science in the service of mankind.
  • Over-population.
  • My ambition in life.
  • Advantages of Sports.
  • Responsibilities of Youth.
  • Muslim World.
  • A visit to a historical place.
  • Technical Education.
  • Unemployment.
  • Women’s place in our society.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • Patriotism.
  • The problem of electricity in Pakistan.
  • Student’s role in the creation of environment.
  • Internet- advantages and disadvantages.
  • The Recent Flood in Pakistan.

English Essay Topics for 11th Class

  • Essays Merits and Demerits of Science
  • Life in a Big City
  • A Cricket Match PSL
  • Uses and Abuses of Media
  • The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student
  • My Aim in Life
  • The Kashmir Problem
  • Memorable Day in My Life
  • Patriotism
  • Co-education
  • My favorite personality.
  • My Best Friend
  • Happiest moment of my life.
  • Cell phone- advantages and disadvantages.

Saturday 11 February 2017

IX English - Application , 9th Class Application

To Principal Asking Permission for Visiting Pakistan Steel Mills and Making Necessary Arrangement for Transport 

The Principal, 
X-Y-Z School, Karachi 

Dear Sir, 
With due respect, I beg to say that the students of our class wanted to visit Pakistan Steel Mills Karachi. We shall be accompanied by three of our senior teachers. This trip will be a beneficial trip for us, from which we can make increment in our knowledge by watching how machines actually work. We can also pick a valuable information for the forth-coming technical exhibition. 
We will be grateful to you if you allow us to visit Pakistan Steel Mills and make necessary arrangements for transport. 
Thanking You. 
Your's faithfully,
Students of Class X
4th September, 1998 

To the Principal Asking for Character Certificate

The Principal, 
X-Y-Z School, Karachi 

Respected Sir, 
I have the honour to inform you that I have passed the Matric with A Grade from your school. Now for taking admission in the college I shall need a character certificate. 
I, therefore, request you to issue me a character certificate. I'll be grateful to your this act of kindness. 
Your's Obediently,
4th September, 1998 

To the Principal for Sick Leave 

The Headmistress, 
ABC High School, 

Respected Madam, 
I am a student of class IX of your school and has been suffering from cold and fever since yesterday. 
I am under treatment of my family doctor who has advised me bed rest for two more days. 
In the light of my aliment, I would request to grant me sick leave for three days and for this act of your's I shall remain ever grateful to you. 
Thanking you once again for your favour. 
Your Obedient Student,
4th September, 1998 

To the Principal Asking Him for the Transfer Certificate

The Headmistress, 
X-Y-Z School, 

Respected Madam, 
I am a student of your school studying in class IX at present, I feel extremely sorry to inform you that I shall not be able to prolong my studies in your esteemed school as my father is leaving with all the members of his family to Oman in connection with a job. 
Therefore under the above circumstances, I would request you to issue me a Transfer Certificate which will enable me to seek admission in a school in Oman. 

Thanking You for your anticipation in this regard. 
Your's Obediently,
4th September, 1998 

To the Headmistress Requesting Her to Grant Your Leave of Absence for Six Days for Attending Marriage Ceremony of Your Cousin. 

The Headmistress, 
ABC High School, 

Respected Madam, 
I am writing to inform you that marriage of my cousin is going to be solemnized on 11th September 1998 at Hyderabad. 
My parents and other relatives are leaving for Hyderabad on 6th September, 1998 to attend the marriage. 
Therefore Madam, I would request you to grant me leave of absence from 6th September, 1998 till 12th September, 1998 of the same month so that I can join the happy celebrations in traditional style. 
Thanking You for act of kindness in this regard. 
Your's Obediently,

To Headmistress of Your School Requesting Her to Grant a Concession in School Fee

The Headmistress, 
ABC High School, 

Respected Madam, 
I am a student of your school studying in class IX. I am very keen to continue with my study but the financial condition of my family is very poor and it is becoming a hinderance. 
My father is a school teacher and earns a very little amount from his work. More over due to inflation it has become difficult for my father to afford my education. 
Madam, from the school record you will find that I have obtained excellent marks in S.S.C part 1 and hope to pass in grade A-1 in final part of same examination. 
In the light of the above circumstances, I would request you to grant me concession in my school fee. 

Thanking You for your anticipation in this regard. 
Your Obedient Student,

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Important Essays for Class 9th & 10th

Role of Media in Every Day Life

English Essay on "Role of Media in Every Day Life"

Irrespective of geographical boundaries the world has turned into global village because of media and communication. The technology is the bigger aspect that has promoted it more. Now a day’s media has a great role in our life and that has been increasing day by day. Every person in this world is surrounded by media. Electronic media means television, radio, computers etc.
One is the most vital role of media as a television of our life, the level of awareness among the youth of Pakistan is more than the other countries. As we know media is a tremendous source for knowledge. Pakistan has round about 80 to 100 news channels that is the mine thing that increases more awareness in our youth. If we compare our youth understanding level with American youth we will feel the difference because there only 2 to 3 news channels. This is in every field especially in political discussion. Awareness is very essential and it can easily get by the electronic media news. Youth should promote the awareness of very thing through this mean because it is the best way.
Second is the most essential role of media as a computer / internet of our life, who spend too much time on social sites, or who take the abuses of online bullies seriously on the sites could have some issues. For parents, even those of teenagers who are 16 and 17, it is important to watch to make sure that social media sites do not take over the lives of children.When used appropriately, it can be a very good thing. Media has had a bad effect on a generation, mainly because ,youth is strongly influenced by media. Teenagers and children wish to follow the people ,who get recognized and do what they do to get noticed. Sometimes, they focus on bad part of the media and strive to be a part of it. However, many are not succumbed to a life of crime.
Moreover, media can be use as healthy activity which includes education researches, technologies and other things so that young generations can easily adopt that and can get information from them. Media news channels are bringing up the programs like Apprenticeships and Dragon’s Den for the young generations to come up and bring out some innovative ideas. They have started a program “khabar nak” which is playing a very vast and vital activity to refresh the mind of youth. The ways in which they tell and discuss news is quite a funny and having a great sense of humor & then provide their analysis about the news and also tell the influence of that news on the people. Another big example is Pakistan idol.
The Electronic media news is source of entertainment also. Media broadcasting has introduced the new way of casting news. The news is tell in a different manner that people especially youth can take interest in the news. They have used a funny manner and also highlight the news in such a manner that which become attention seeker. We have a clear example of GEO TAIZ. Youth like to watch this news channel.
The media affects people's perspective. Too much intervention of media in everything is a matter of concern. Media can be considered as "watch dog" of political democracy. I believe, if the media identifies its responsibility and work sincerely and honestly, then it can serve as a great force in building the nation. 

Important Essays For The 9th 10th Class 2017

Load Shedding of Electricity in Town

English Essay on "Load Shedding of Electricity in Town"

Energy is in impatient distribute in Pakistan, and as a ending automobile laden shedding, delapidate downs, cause outages, fluctuations, blackouts etc are a inferior article in the region. Whether it is season or winter, headache shedding is my Town. Sometimes it is regular, patch or remaining occasions it is totally forced. The honour is the inferior because it causes untold problems and hardships to the electricity interdependent community. It can be confidently said that the machine furnish has never been trusty at any quantify in Pakistan.
There are galore factors behind electric burden sloughing in Pakistan. These factors countenance inadequacy in river humor, over population, new connections, motorcar supplying to villages, low reproduction of energy, fewer dams, state theft, stock losses etc. Then incumbrance shedding is the prove of debasement, inefficiency, mismanagement and malfunctioning provision in WAPDA besides unfinished projects equal Kala Bagh Dam, utilization of acquirable resources, no procreation from small and solar vigor, want of consensus and the apathy of the government encourage to wattage sloughing.
Laden sloughing is a high utter. It brings untold wretchedness to grouping happiness to all walks of chronicle withstand they are students, patients, bourgeois, industrialists, farmers, laborers, performance, shelter wives etc. It brings all scheme, Agricultural and developed locomote to a stop. The change plays havoc with the motorcar equipments similar refrigerators, VCRs, Televisions, and Computers etc. The overseas investors shun investing money in other comic due to fill sloughing starts a lifelong episode of impotence and interference.
Pakistan cannot attain motion in any land in the proximity of lade shedding. Thence polity should assert all feasible measures to end load shedding from the land. No. of all it should shift depravity, inefficiency and mismanagement from WAPDA. New mega dams should be constructed without further pause.The verbalize lendable resources should be formed instantly. Knowledge should be generated from solar and thermonuclear vitality. Force thievery should be should be obstructed forthwith. On the else accumulation group should transform to using sprightliness saving maneuver. No uncertainness much steps can aid a great collection in ending onus sloughing from the region.
Loadshedding in primary cities equivalent City, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Multan, etc., extends from 12 to 16 hours regular. Despite the dengue epidemic, even hospitals are not exempted from the curse of load sloughing, though this facility extends to VVIPs experience in Punjab.
Has anybody ever surrendered a mentation that in somebody of war, this country would be in unenlightenment, because of a leaden reliance on index propagation supported on imported furnace oil? Justified our mortal instrument has been compromised by this dishonesty and superpower shortages that it has surrendered birth to.
Loadshedding should either be uniformly done all over the land, or its period should be in equipoise to the occurrence of theft in cities, towns, villages or manual sites.
Manual areas that pay their electricity bills regularly should be assured uninterrupted activity. This module also help alleviate the job of jobless fag ordered off by closedowns.
Yet this governing has selectively subjected the fill of this arena to the worst gentle of unavowed load shedding. If this is not political influence, what else should we label it? Had this authorities in the yore tetrad years travel consume set on electricity thieving, or allowed already existing IPPs to create peak quality in giving with their installed susceptibility, then this deficiency would not make been so keen. Hydro-electric power units if installed would jazz generated cheaper energy. What this authorities did was to deny existing IPPs defrayal due to them, and thereby create worse hokey shortages to confirm this rip-off in the business has been grinded to a hold by this outlaw neglect of a polity dominated by the most pretorian of individuals, who tally by their actions battered their governmental office.

Important Essays For The 9th 10th Class 2017

An Exciting Cricket Match

English Essay on "An Exciting Cricket Match"

Last Sunday a friendly cricket match was played between our XI and the Grammar High School XI on our field. The GHS won the toss and decided to at first. But the pitch unexpectedly favoured our bowlers. They were able .to dismiss the openings batsmen for only five runs on the board. One of them was run out for a single while the other was given out, hit wicket. The third and fourth batsmen tried to play cautiously. They held the fort for nearly half an hour without making any serious attempt to score. Two no-balls two byes and one leg bye however raised their total to 10 for two. Then one of them was in trouble with a good ball sent down by our captain, Ali a fast bowler. The batsman fumbled with the ball and the bowler shouted "How's that?" the umpire allowed the appeal and put up his hand to indicate that batsman was out leg before wicket. The fourth wicket fell to a 'Yorker'. The ball hit the central stake and dislodges the bails.
Things were pretty gloomy for the visitor when their captain Faisal came in to bat. 80th the batsmen played calm, cautious cricket. They took no risks with good balls out went all out to punish the losses one. Faisal hit a six off a no-ball and followed it with three boundaries in the same over. Off the last and sixth ball of the over five runs were scored as a result of two successive overthrows by our fielders. From now on our fielders were kept constantly on the run. If the field was spread the batsmen resorted to running between the wickets and scored many singles, which could not have been scored with the fielders being near. When the fielders closed in on them hit out or placed the ball over their heads for boundaries.
Seeing that the batsmen were too firmly dug into be dismissed easily, our captain made a new move. He called for drinks. After the drinks had been taken he took himself and the other bowler off and put in spinners. The move paid hand some dividends. In an attempt to bring off a big hit off the third ball after the drinks, Faisal who had so far played a real captain's innings, mistimed the ball, skied it to the silly mid-off who took an easy catch. The fifth wicket partnership had contributed exactly 60 runs to the total of 70 for 5. Faisal individual score was 45.
Since it was a. one-day match the remaining batsmen were directed to score as fast as they could so that their innings could be declared closed at, or soon after, lunch. The sixth batsman who had given valuable supports to Faisal soon followed his captain to the pavilion without any further addition to his score of 15.( He left the batting crease to hit the ball, missed it and was stumped out by the wicket keeper. The tail Enders most 0 them bowlers, tried to score from every ball bowled to them. If they stayed on to face more than one ball each and, even scored few runs, it was because our bowling was not very accurate. One of them was caught by the twelfth man who was fielding in place of Raza on the boundary line. Another was caught in 3rd man region. The last two were clean bowled. Thus their innings came to close to a close at 75. For the home side Ali took seven wickets for 50 including 2 hat tricks. It was already time for lunch and our team escorted the last batsmen to the pavilion. The crowd gave a big hand to them as they approached the stands.
While lunch was being taken, the sky was suddenly overcast with dark clouds. Soon it began to rain heavily. The second half of the day's play was thus washed out and the match ended in a unfinished draw.

Important Essays For The 9th 10th Class 2017


English Essay on "Patriotism"

Patriotism means love for and devotion to one's mother-land. This is a very natural aspect of 'human life. We naturally have some association with the place where we live and with the people with whom we live. Such associations culminate into the sublime qualities of patriotism.
Love for our country requires us to make some, sacrifice. In the first instance it demands of us to be good citizens to be law-abiding people and ultimately to contribute something to the common good of our people. It exhorts us to rise above self and to do something for our countrymen. At its highest, patriotism requires us even to sacrifice our lives.
Even we try to become patriots and Endeavour to rise up to the noble expectations of our mother-land we cultivate certain good qualities of head and heart. The spirit of selflessness and self-sacrifice helps us shake off mean and low feelings. Our social and moral values are developed and we create nobility not only in ourselves and serve as a source of inspiration to authors. This sincerity of purpose enables the country men to work hard to make their country a social welfare state and thus to maintain her honour and glory in the comity of nations. Men with patriotic feelings make the real wealth of a people.
"Not gold but only men can make,
A nation great and strong,
Men who for truth and honor’s sake,
Stand fast and suffer long."
These are the people; the poet goes on to say, "Who work while others sleep." They never lose heart. They maintain the morale of their nation by their constant efforts, 'while others fly and ultimately.
"They build their nations' pillars deep, And lift them to the sky."
The patriotism enables a person even to work in an atmosphere which discourages the ordinary man, under adverse circumstance when others don't co-operate or even betray him.
The soldiers stand by their country in the hour of peril and lay down their lives simply to vindicate her honour. We can find glorious examples of certain great national heroes who struggled hard and fought valiantly for their mother-land. Mustafa Kamal Ata Turk brought health and vigor by instilling 'new blood' in the veins of the sick man of Europe"-Turkey. Our Quaid-e-Azam strove excessively hard for the glory of Pakistan without any regard for his own health or personal benefit .Liaqat Ali Khan the first Prime Minister of Pakistan did not hesitate even to shed his blood in the service of the country. The unparalleled example of Joan of Arc will always shine brightly in history of the French people.
Patriotism creates a very broad outlook-that is, a person arises above his own self. He prefers the interests of the country to his own interests. This enables him to look at life in a very broad perspective-that is, the love for his countrymen.
But there is one thing regarding patriotism which should be kept in mind. Patriotism means love for one's country but it does not at all imply the sense of hatred for other countries. On the other hand the spirit of self-sacrifice should be extended to the entire human society. It means that patriotism should teach us love for and service to humanity.

Important Essays For The 9th & 10th Class

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

English Essay on "Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet"

Advantages of Internet
Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication. Internet is defined as a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of Internet, there is a lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from getting news across the corner of the world to accessing knowledge resources to shopping, everything is at your fingertips.
As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless the advantages of the Internet are so huge in number that they outperform the disadvantages quite easily. Let us see what are advantages and disadvantages of Internet.
Disadvantages of Internet
There are a lot of people who see the internet as a promoter of immorality. The first and the foremost disadvantages of internet for students is the wastage of time in social networking websites like facebook, twitter, orkut etc, Students are found spending ample time with These social sites rather than with their books This habit spoils their time, learning habit in some case leads them to involve in immoral activities Besides this the general disadvantages are spamming. Theft of personal details, fraud, virus threat etc:
Spamming denotes distribution of unsolicited e-mails in large numbers. They are meaningless and they unnecessarily block the whole system. These activities are treated as illegal while using the internet, there is high probability that your personal details like name, address and credit card number may be accessed by con artists and used for fraudulent purposes. Virus is the biggest problem. It is a program that interrupts the usual operation of your personal computer system. PCs Linked to the Internet have high probability of virus attacks and as a result of this your hard disk can crash, giving you a lot of trouble.

Important Essays For The 9th & 10th Class

The Person I like Most

English Essay on "The Person I like Most"

My mother is not only dear to me, she is liked by all who know her. Children love her and grownups respect her for the basic reason that she loves all and sundry. Most mothers love their own children dearly, but, unlike them, she loves other children as if they were her own. When she meets the sons and daughters of her relations and friends she asks them about their welfare and studies and offers them the advice that she gives us so often. She also teaches them their school lessons together with my younger brother and sister, and wishes we all were able and wise.
My mother ability and knowledge in fact, shine in her healthy face and eyes. Her face is the true index of her mind which is full of deep and pleasant ideas. Beautiful and impressive her face is in all its glory and refinement. And. perhaps, more beautiful are her ideas that she expresses while teaching us or in the company 01 her friends and relations. Sometimes she gives expression to the ideas contained in famous books by great writers like Shakespeare, Ghalib and lqbal. At one gathering she said aloud, “We can learn from the animal and bird world the virtues of family life.” Jokes she knows a lot, and she can make others laugh for as long as they stay with her, and they do not want to leave her. They listen to her sweet talk as she comes down to their level of thought and talks at ease.
Perhaps the only fault of my mother is that she gets angry with people who oppose her in wrong ways. However, she forgets her anger very soon and starts thinking about them with the best intentions. She listens to them attentively as if nothing had happened. When an When anyone tells lies in her company and misbehaves, she advises him to she advises him to be truthful in all situations and respectful towards elders. Luckily, others begin acting on her advice readily because of her high character and sound reputation.
The most beloved creature that mother is, we cannot find the like of her anywhere. She lives in our thoughts and passions as much as we live in hers. She is the soul of our existence, the driving force of our life.( May God bless her with his choicest bounties In this world and the next?

Important Essays for 9th and 10th

English Essay on "A Picnic At the Seaside"

We reached at the famous beach of Karachi at about 9a.m. having deposited our belongings under a tree. We put on our swimming trunks. Our leader gave us some advice about swimming and on rescuing a person from being drowned. Then we jumped into the sea.
We swam about for a longtime when we were tired of swimming. We decided to play -'pillow-fighting' for a change. There were a few rubbers pillows with the party. We used these for the game. We divided ourselves into two groups, half of us played as 'horses' and the other half, as fighters. The 'horses' and the 'fighters' exchanged places after short periods of play. The 'fighter' hit each other with their pillows. Often a 'fighter' would fall off his 'horse and sometimes a 'horse' divided bringing his fighter down for a surprise dip. This fun continued for a long time. In the end, when we were too tired to play or swim any more, we made for the shore.
We unpacked the food we had brought with us. We had no plates to serve the food on. A few pieces of paper in which the food had been packed served instead. Baskets full of bread and fruits were emptied in no time. The few crates of aerated water that we had' were consumed at the same time. After the meal, we lay down on the sand for a rest. Some slept while others sang songs or listened in to their transistorized radio sets.
After a short rest, we got up once again. Some jumped back into the sea for another spell of swimming and playing games, while others walked bare-footed on the cool sandy beach.( A few took their fishing rods to catch some fish, while some more adventurous one hired' a boat form the fishermen there, and went rowing in it.
We had with us a few inflated rubber tubes. These kept some of us afloat without much effort. It is significant that we used these tubes only in the evening in the morning we were too fresh to need them.
Dusk was fast approaching, when we left the sea , dressed ourselves, and headed for home.