Showing posts with label Important Essays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Important Essays. Show all posts

Friday 26 July 2024

Promotion of Tax Culture in Pakistan

Promotion of Tax Culture in Pakistan


The promotion of tax culture in Pakistan is an essential aspect of fostering economic stability and development. Despite its critical role in national progress, Pakistan's tax system faces numerous challenges, including low tax compliance and a narrow tax base. This essay explores the concept of tax culture, its significance for Pakistan, and various strategies for enhancing it. 

Understanding Tax Culture

Definition and Importance

Tax culture refers to the collective attitudes, behaviors, and norms regarding taxation within a society. It encompasses how individuals and businesses perceive their tax obligations and the extent to which they comply with tax laws. A strong tax culture is vital for the effective functioning of a country’s tax system. It influences the revenue generation capacity of the government, public services funding, and overall economic development.

Current Tax Culture in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the tax culture is characterized by widespread tax evasion, low compliance rates, and a general distrust of tax authorities. The informal sector's dominance and the complex tax system contribute to these issues. Additionally, societal attitudes towards taxation often reflect skepticism about the effective use of tax revenues by the government.

Challenges to Tax Culture in Pakistan

 Low Tax Compliance

One of the primary challenges is the low tax compliance rate. Many individuals and businesses either evade taxes or underreport their income. This non-compliance is driven by several factors, including lack of trust in the government, perceived unfairness in the tax system, and inadequate enforcement mechanisms.

 Narrow Tax Base

Pakistan’s tax base is relatively narrow, with a significant portion of the economy operating in the informal sector, which remains largely untaxed. This narrow base limits the government’s ability to generate revenue and finance public services effectively.

 Inefficiencies in Tax Administration

The inefficiencies within the tax administration system also hinder the promotion of tax culture. Issues such as corruption, outdated technology, and bureaucratic red tape contribute to a less efficient tax collection process, discouraging voluntary compliance.

 Societal Attitudes Towards Taxation

Societal attitudes play a crucial role in shaping tax culture. In Pakistan, there is often a perception that tax revenues are misused or wasted, leading to a lack of motivation among citizens to contribute their fair share.

 Strategies for Promoting Tax Culture

 Enhancing Tax Education and Awareness
 Educational Campaigns

Educational campaigns can play a pivotal role in changing public attitudes towards taxation. By informing citizens about the benefits of taxes and how they contribute to national development, these campaigns can foster a sense of civic duty and responsibility. Schools, colleges, and universities should integrate tax education into their curricula to build a more informed citizenry from a young age.

Public Engagement Programs

Public engagement programs, such as workshops, seminars, and media campaigns, can raise awareness about the importance of tax compliance. Engaging with community leaders and influencers to spread positive messages about taxation can also help in changing societal perceptions.

 Simplifying the Tax System

 Reforming Tax Laws

Simplifying tax laws and making them more transparent can reduce confusion and increase compliance. Streamlined processes and clearer regulations will make it easier for taxpayers to understand their obligations and fulfill them.

Improving Tax Filing Processes

Implementing user-friendly tax filing systems, such as online portals, can make the tax compliance process more convenient. Reducing paperwork and bureaucratic hurdles can encourage more individuals and businesses to comply with tax regulations.

 Strengthening Tax Administration

 Enhancing Technological Capabilities

Investing in modern technology can significantly improve tax administration. Advanced data analytics and digital tools can help in detecting tax evasion, streamlining tax collection processes, and improving overall efficiency.

 Addressing Corruption

Addressing corruption within tax administration is crucial for building trust in the system. Implementing strict anti-corruption measures and ensuring transparency in tax collection and enforcement can help in creating a more trustworthy tax system.

 Encouraging Voluntary Compliance

 Incentives for Taxpayers

Providing incentives for tax compliance, such as tax credits, deductions, or rewards for timely payments, can encourage individuals and businesses to fulfill their tax obligations. Recognizing and rewarding compliant taxpayers can also promote a positive tax culture.

Building Trust with Taxpayers

Building trust between taxpayers and the government is essential for promoting voluntary compliance. Transparent communication about how tax revenues are utilized and ensuring that public services are effectively delivered can enhance taxpayers' confidence in the system.

Strengthening Enforcement Mechanisms

Improving Audit and Monitoring

Enhancing audit and monitoring mechanisms can deter tax evasion and ensure that those who do not comply with tax laws are held accountable. Regular audits and effective monitoring systems can help in identifying and addressing instances of non-compliance.

Implementing Penalties and Sanctions

Imposing appropriate penalties and sanctions for tax evasion can act as a deterrent. Ensuring that penalties are fair and proportionate can encourage compliance while maintaining the integrity of the tax system.

Case Studies and International Comparisons

Successful Tax Culture Models

Examining successful tax culture models from other countries can provide valuable insights for Pakistan. Countries with strong tax cultures, such as Sweden and Singapore, have implemented effective strategies that can serve as a reference for Pakistan’s tax reform efforts.

 Lessons from Regional Neighbors

Comparing Pakistan’s tax culture with that of its regional neighbors can also offer useful lessons. Understanding the challenges and successes faced by countries with similar economic contexts can help in devising targeted strategies for promoting tax culture in Pakistan.


The promotion of tax culture in Pakistan is a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive approach. By enhancing tax education, simplifying the tax system, strengthening tax administration, encouraging voluntary compliance, and improving enforcement mechanisms, Pakistan can foster a more robust tax culture. These efforts will not only improve tax revenue generation but also contribute to the overall economic development and stability of the country. Building a strong tax culture is essential for ensuring that Pakistan can meet its developmental goals and provide better public services for its citizens.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Flaws in Our Education System are Causing Some of Our Failures

Flaws in Our Education System are Causing Some of Our Failures

Education is often hailed as the cornerstone of progress and development, yet in many contexts, including Pakistan, systemic flaws within the education system contribute significantly to societal shortcomings. This essay delves into key flaws that undermine the effectiveness of Pakistan's education system, impacting individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole.

1. Access Disparities: Leaving Many Behind

Access to education in Pakistan remains uneven, with significant disparities between urban and rural areas, as well as among different socio-economic groups. Lack of sufficient schools, particularly in remote regions, coupled with economic barriers, prevents many children from accessing quality education. Girls, in particular, face cultural and logistical hurdles that limit their educational opportunities, perpetuating cycles of inequality and hindering national development.

2. Quality of Education: Rote Learning over Critical Thinking

A pervasive flaw in Pakistan's education system is the emphasis on rote memorization rather than critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Outdated curricula, teacher-centered approaches, and a focus on examinations as the sole measure of academic success stifle creativity and innovation among students. This approach not only fails to prepare learners for real-world challenges but also perpetuates a culture of academic passivity, where regurgitating information takes precedence over understanding and application.

3. Teacher Quality and Training: A Critical Deficit

The quality of teaching in Pakistan is compromised by inadequate teacher training and support mechanisms. Many educators lack pedagogical skills, subject expertise, and professional development opportunities, leading to substandard classroom instruction. Low salaries and poor working conditions further diminish teacher motivation and retention rates, exacerbating the education system's shortcomings. Investing in comprehensive teacher training programs and incentivizing high-quality teaching are crucial steps towards improving educational outcomes.

4. Curriculum Relevance: Outdated Content in a Modern World

The curriculum in Pakistani schools often fails to reflect contemporary societal needs, technological advancements, and global trends. Subjects and textbooks may be outdated, perpetuating stereotypes and limiting students' exposure to diverse perspectives and emerging fields. Reforms aimed at revising curricula to incorporate 21st-century skills, such as digital literacy, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship, are essential for equipping learners with the competencies needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

5. Examination-Centric Culture: Narrowing Educational Goals

Pakistan's education system is heavily skewed towards examination results as the primary measure of success. This obsession with high-stakes exams, such as board examinations and entrance tests, creates undue pressure on students, parents, and educators alike. The focus on rote learning to achieve high grades undermines holistic learning and personal development. Shifting towards a more balanced assessment approach that values creativity, practical skills, and individual growth could foster a healthier educational environment.

6. Inequities in Higher Education: Impeding National Progress

Inequities in higher education perpetuate disparities in access to advanced learning opportunities and limit social mobility. Elite institutions often receive disproportionate resources and funding, while lesser-known universities struggle with infrastructure deficits and quality assurance issues. Addressing these inequities requires reforms in funding allocation, accreditation processes, and policies that promote inclusive access to higher education for students from diverse backgrounds.

Conclusion: Toward Comprehensive Reform

In conclusion, the flaws within Pakistan's education system are significant contributors to societal failures, hindering national progress and perpetuating socio-economic inequalities. Addressing these flaws demands comprehensive reforms that prioritize equitable access, quality teaching, relevant curricula, holistic assessment methods, and inclusive higher education opportunities. By investing in a transformative agenda for education, Pakistan can unlock its human potential, foster innovation, and build a more resilient and prosperous society for generations to come.

Important Essays for CSS and other Competitive Exams


Important Essays for CSS and other Competitive Exams

Essays on Education:

    • Education in Pakistan
    • Critical Analysis of Education Systems in Pakistan
    • Civil Services Reforms
    • Future of Country relies on its education
    • Flaws in Our Education System are Causing Some of Our Failures
    • Role of Education in Character Building of a Nation

Essays on Economy:

    • Promotion of Tax Culture in Pakistan 
    • Economic Challenges Faced by Pakistan
    • Economic Crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and Prospects
    • Essay Outline: Economic Prosperity is Directly Proportional to Literacy Rate
    • Culture of Corruption in Pakistan Its Impacts on Economy And Human Capital

Essays on Water Crisis: 

    • Water Crisis in Pakistan and Its Remedies (CSS-2016)
    • Why Kalabagh Dam?
    • Essay on Water Crisis in Pakistan | Essays for CSS
    • Water Crisis in PAKISTAN – Causes and Consequences

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

    • China Pakistan Energy Corridor (CPEC)

Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs

    • The Role of Opposition in the Politics of Pakistan  
    • Industrial Sector of Pakistan (Situation, Issues and Solutions)
    • Corruption in Pakistan
    • Good Governance Essay Outline & Introduction | (CSS Paper-2016)
    • Essay Outline on Population Explosion in Pakistan
    • Corruption In Pakistan Mother of All Ills 
    • Political Instability in Pakistan
    • CSS Essay on Baluchistan Problem and Solutions
    • How Tourism Situation Could Improve In Pakistan
    • Essay Outline: Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Consequences and Recommendations
    • Impacts of Climate Change on Pakistan as One of the Worst Hit Regions
    • Poverty Alleviation | Complete Solved Essay (CSS Exams 2005)

Global Issues

    • BREXIT: A VERY BRITISH REVOLUTION (Brexit Essay Sample for CSS
    • The US-EU relation in a Trump Administration
    • Truth is a Rare Commodity Despite the Freedom Enjoyed by The Print and Electronic Media
    • “OIC, A Completely Failed and Unsuccessful Organization”
    • Peer Pressure leading to drastic decisions.
    • Militarization of Space and its Impacts on Current Global Warfare
    • CSS Essay on US Foreign Policy in Trump’s Era
    • South China Sea And Strategic Competition
    • Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare
    • Global Warming: its Causes and Consequences
    • CSS Essay | War on Terrorism is Contributing towards Growing Abuse of Human Rights
    • Emergence of Street Power and its Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan
    • Free speech should have limitations
    • Essay Outlines: Gender Discrimination in Developing States
    • Essay Outline: The End of the New World Order
    • Essay Outline: War divides, Economy Unites
    • It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has superseded our humanity
    • The United Nation has Failed to Measure Up to the Demands of its Charter
    • Nuclear Weapons are Not Only a Great Peril but Also a Great Hope
    • Disturbed Borders Suggest Unending Wars and Threats to Human Lives
    • The Implications of Sectarian Militancy and Ethnic Violence in Muslim World

Essay on Climate change in Pakistan.

 Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and Pakistan is among the countries most vulnerable to its impacts. Located in South Asia, Pakistan is home to a diverse range of ecosystems, from the rugged mountains of the north to the arid deserts of the south. However, the country's unique geography and rapidly growing population make it increasingly susceptible to the effects of climate change.

One of the most significant impacts of climate change in Pakistan is the increase in temperature. Over the past few decades, the country has experienced a steady rise in temperatures, with an average increase of 0.5°C since the 1960s. This may seem like a small change, but it has significant consequences, particularly in the agricultural sector. Warmer temperatures lead to earlier springs, altered growing seasons, and increased frequency of heatwaves, all of which can devastate crops and livestock.

Another major impact of climate change in Pakistan is the change in precipitation patterns. The country's monsoon season, which typically runs from July to September, is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Some years, the rains are plentiful, while others see severe droughts. This unpredictability makes it challenging for farmers to plan and prepare, leading to food insecurity and economic losses.

The melting of glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region is another critical concern. Pakistan is home to over 7,000 glaciers, which provide a vital source of freshwater for the country's rivers and streams. However, as temperatures rise, these glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, threatening the country's water security.

Climate change is also exacerbating the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in Pakistan. The country has experienced several devastating floods in recent years, including the 2010 floods, which affected over 20 million people and caused widespread destruction. Similarly, heatwaves, droughts, and storms are becoming more frequent and intense, causing loss of life and property.

The impacts of climate change are not limited to the environment; they also have significant social and economic implications. Pakistan is one of the most populous countries in the world, with over 220 million people. Climate change is exacerbating poverty, inequality, and social injustice, particularly in rural areas where people are heavily dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods.

To address the challenges posed by climate change, Pakistan needs to adopt a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, the country needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable land use practices.

Secondly, Pakistan needs to enhance its resilience to the impacts of climate change. This can be achieved by investing in climate-resilient infrastructure, improving early warning systems, and promoting climate-smart agriculture practices.

Finally, Pakistan needs to prioritize climate change adaptation and resilience in its development planning. This requires a coordinated effort from all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, private sector, and local communities.

In conclusion, climate change is a pressing issue in Pakistan, with far-reaching impacts on the environment, society, and economy. The country needs to take urgent action to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, enhance its resilience to the impacts of climate change, and prioritize climate change adaptation and resilience in its development planning. Only then can Pakistan hope to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and build a sustainable future for its people.

Monday 27 November 2017

Important Essays for English 9th and10th 2017-18

Important Essays for English 9th and10th 2017-18 

The Monsoon
Village Life
Road Accident
Sports and Games
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad All Jinnah
My Last Day at School
Morning Walk
My House
Life is a Big City
House on fire
Boy Scouts
Allama Iqbal
A visit to a Hill Station
A Visit to Historical Place
A True Muslim
A Scene at the Railway Station
A Rainy Day
A River in Flood
A Picnic Party
A Football Match
A Hockey Match
A Cricket Match
A Dream

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

 "Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah"

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi on the 25th December, 1876. His father, Jinnah Poonah, was a big merchant of Karachi. Mr. Poonjah wanted to give good education to his son and kept him away from business.
Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah received his early education in Karachi and Bombay. He passed his Entrance Examination in 1891. In his school days lie was very painstaking in his studies. He observed the rules of discipline. He was also very punctual in attendance. All these pointed to his future greatness. For his good qualities, he was very much loved by his teachers and fellow-students.
His father’s friend, Mr. Federick Croft, discovered signs of a great man in him. He advised his father to send him to England for higher studies. Accordingly Mr. Jinnah left for England in 1892.
Mr. Jinnah stayed in England for four years. He, here studied the ways of the English people. He was very much impressed to find that all of them, rich or poor, loved their motherland. There he came under the influence of a patriotic Pakistani. Dadabhoy Nooroji.
After having successfully finished his education. Mr. Jinnah returned to India in 1896. At that time his father’s business was not running well. So to earn money for the family, he started practice in Karachi. But he could not do well. He left Karachi and went to Bombay to try his luck there. Here, too his practice was dull for three years. At last, he accepted the service as Third Presidency Magistrate of Bombay. But he was confident that he would do well as a lawyer. So he gave up the service after some time and joined the bar. This time-fortune smiled on him. Within a short time he was recognised as a distinguished lawyer. His fame spread far and wide.
In 1905, Mr. Jinnah came in close contact with Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Mr. Gokhale was then the president of the Indian National Congress. Soon he became its most important leader. He was called the Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity. But he was disillusioned in 1930. For he then realised that the only object of the Congress was to establish Hindu’ rule in India. He, therefore, separated himself from the Congress. He devoted himself in organising the Muslims. His leadership kindled a new imagination among the frustrated Muslims. He created political consciousness among the Muslims of India. It was due to his guidance and leadership the Muslims regained their confidence. Each and every Muslim responded to his clarion call. And they with one voice demanded a separate homeland for them.
In 1940 the famous Pakistan Resolution was adopted, The struggle for Pakistan is a story of a continuous struggle against, a host of obstacles and it Was his guidance and leadership which provided us a but work of strength at these difficult times.
The creation of Pakistan was due to the untiring labour and of Quaid-i-Azam. He won Pakistan by his irrefutable arguments. He is called the “Father of the Nation”. For like a father, he acquired a homeland for us.
Though in shattered health, he had to accept the first Governor Generalship of Pakistan. He died in harness on the 11th September, 1948.

Health is Wealth

"Health is Wealth"

It is a famous saying,” If Wealth is lost nothing is lost, If health is lost, something is lost, but if character is lost then every thing is lost”. Those are really unfortunate people who give the highest importance to wealth only instead of health or character. Health and character are totally neglected.
This saying is hundred percent correct that Health is Wealth but wealth does not only mean money. It means something very useful and precious. People collect wealth but health is more important then wealth.
Let us suppose the example of q man who is very wealthy. He has a plenty of money, all the comforts of the world, a grand house, fine clothes, best of food, but he has no health. I-Ic is ill, suffering from some disease. Will he be happy? He would not be able to enjoy the good things of life he has got because he is not healthy. On the other hand, let us consider a poor man who does not possess all these comforts of life, still he posses a good health, he will certainly, be happy.
He is free from all types of pains, sufferings and diseases. That is his great happiness. One is unhappy inspite of his wealth, while the other is happy although he has no wealth. That is why we say that health is wealth.
Wealth is not a bad thing. In fact, it is also necessary for life. However, with wealth, health is absolutely necessary. You cannot sleep a night if your body is in pains. You cannot cat the best of the food if your digestion is bad, you cannot enjoy the sight of beautiful things or notes of music if your eyes are in pain. Even a severe headache could turn all pleasure into pain.
When the body is diseased, even the mind is affected. “Sound mind in sound body” is also an old saying. The mind can remain healthy and active when the body is healthy. A person who is weak sickly cannot do much mental work. No doubt, it is true that there have been great men who had poor health but they should have one much better had they enjoyed better health. Health of the body is, therefore, absolutely necessary for mental work. Poor health means poor mind.
It is therefore, clear that health is like a great treasure and it must be guarded jealously. We must take the greatest care of our bodies. Seriously trouble with the machine of the body would mean death-an end to life itself. A man who possesses sound health is indeed a very rich man.

Science A Curse or A Blessing

Science A Curse or A Blessing

Retributive nearly 6,000 period ago, men lived in a cave lie dressed himself in skins. He fed himself by toil and sport fishing. He had to work with his own keeping everything he needed. He went yearn distances on his own legs. His experience was tapering, cheerless, problematical and venturous. Ultramodern man lives a vastly diverse sentence. He is comfortably and elegantly housed, fed and panoplies. His humans is panoptic, blinking and moderately invulnerable. Old-tune animal toil is no human necessary for him. It is bailiwick that has brought almost this "spunky new man." This story of leisure and pleasure. In so far as field has finished this, it is orison. Let us lint took at the blinding back of the accolade.
Ability has prefabricated wonderful machines. It has revealed incredible energies which run these machines. Man needs no individual toil and mod with his hands and legs. The machine does most of his output for him. It gives him leisure. The imagine of a push-button creation has tome apodictic for him. Size has been destroyed. Neo mechanism and connection of prefab the experience decrease nigh to thing. Men and things and interestingness and views can skirt the globe with lightning speeding. Inter-planetary travelling is now a certainty. We are now on the eve of colonizing new planets.
Our lives hare transform healthier, New medicine, sanitation, penalization and surgery are subjection solon and more bodily and mental ills day by day. No disease is beyond aid now. The oldness of account has enlarged. The quinine has terminated malaria dull glucose injections put a new time in a dying man. Surgery has created wonders.Bailiwick also provides entertainments to millions of people. Theatre entertains us and radio and television provides recreation. The creation of nutrient has raised. Industry has been revolutionized. Hungriness has been regimented. In unforesightful, the technological development is awesome.
It is an habitual fact that field has prefabricated valuable try to the utilization of earthborn Intelligence. Crucial excellence has also made a wonderful tread. But the honorable utilization of man or moral values has been totally unnoticed. Ability has provided us with a vast render of couple shelf but alas it is not existence put to good use. As a ending of this, we someone miserably unsuccessful to reach the desired object. We somebody solon noesis and science but lower of reference and self-control. Technological developing has out-stripped our righteous or sacred procession. It has prefab us egotistic, greedy and maturate our lives pitiful with a horrible subsequent. So, Noble Tennyson laments that knowledge has develop but wisdom lingers.

Use and Abuses of Internet

uses of Internet
Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication. Internet is defined as a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of Internet, there is a lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from getting news across the corner of the world to accessing knowledge resources to shopping, everything is at your fingertips. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless the advantages of the Internet are so huge in number that they outperform the disadvantages quite easily. Let us see what are advantages and disadvantages of Internet.
Abuses of Internet
There are a lot of people who see the internet as a promoter of immorality. The first and the foremost Abuses of internet for students is the wastage of time in social networking websites like facebook, twitter, orkut etc, Students are found spending ample time with These social sites rather than with their books This habit spoils their time, learning habit in some case leads them to involve in immoral activities Besides this the general disadvantages are spamming. Theft of personal details, fraud, virus threat etc.

Terrorist Activities in Pakistan

Terrorism means to use violence to terrorize people for political purpose. It is also used to force or treat to weaken the courage of others In order to change one opinion. This one is the most serve-problem of the present age that people, all over the country as well as the whole Third World are facing this devilishness. The basic causes of terrorism are only to make the political position of the glob in certain. Terrorism becomes or may become conclusion effects of strain and too much anxiety.
The causes of terrorism always are the Immorality, malevolence and maliciousness and its very important aim, planning or intention is prevail, lawlessness, destruction and utter loss to innocent lives and properties. This devilish destruction forces are always in action and they remain ready to create political misadministration in the country. Terrorism is the worst form of barbarism. A barbaric action is always supposed as terrorism for it generates. These are countless terrorists groups in action in the world who are always busy in their evil detrimental actions.
Pakistan political environment has been very much disturbed not a single government could be able to establish itself for the specified period. During this span of time the rate of corruption enhanced very much. The graph of criminal activities raised due to the accountability forces. The standard of political awareness has been descending rapidly. Terrorism generates strains and anxiety to the decent and honest person of the world. It is an open challenge to our government, the law enforcing agencies and intelligence agencies to fight against this devilish deed.
Who is responsible for this vulgarity The answer is that who proposes to change the peaceful atmosphere into pathetic and these are the terrorist who play with the lives of innocent human brings for covetousness of money about which they do not know that this money is transitory thing which they do not know that everything in this world will remain here when he will go into the mouth of death.
At this stage it has become most essential to wipe out terrorism form the horizon of the glob and to everyone living this Third World and Pakistan in particular, should be provided their rights on the bases of real just.

Important English Essays For 11th & 12th Class 2017

English Essay Topics for 12th Class

  • Terrorism.
  • Science in the service of mankind.
  • Over-population.
  • My ambition in life.
  • Advantages of Sports.
  • Responsibilities of Youth.
  • Muslim World.
  • A visit to a historical place.
  • Technical Education.
  • Unemployment.
  • Women’s place in our society.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • Patriotism.
  • The problem of electricity in Pakistan.
  • Student’s role in the creation of environment.
  • Internet- advantages and disadvantages.
  • The Recent Flood in Pakistan.

English Essay Topics for 11th Class

  • Essays Merits and Demerits of Science
  • Life in a Big City
  • A Cricket Match PSL
  • Uses and Abuses of Media
  • The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student
  • My Aim in Life
  • The Kashmir Problem
  • Memorable Day in My Life
  • Patriotism
  • Co-education
  • My favorite personality.
  • My Best Friend
  • Happiest moment of my life.
  • Cell phone- advantages and disadvantages.