Showing posts with label Tehsildar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tehsildar. Show all posts

Friday 12 June 2020

Complete Syllabus for Competitive Examination Gilgit-Baltistan

Complete Syllabus for Competitive Examination 


Compulsory Subjects
English (Essay + comprehension) :150 marks 
 Urdu compulsory: 150 marks 
 Pak Affairs + Current Affairs: 150 marks 
Islamiat : 150 marks 
Total 600 
 Optional Subjects 300 Marks 

A list of Optional Subjects is given below; each subject carry equal (150) marks. Please select subjects in which you desire to be examined. Candidates must select two optional subjects with the condition that not more than one subject should be taken from each group. 
Group - A 
Arabic                     Persian                  English literature                 Urdu literature 

Group - B 
Islamic History (from Holy prophet PBUH to present Muslim world)       
Indian History ( Pre-Muslim, Muslim period and British rule) 
British History (from 1699 to present time)
 European History (from 1789 to present time) 

Group - C 
Physics                  Chemistry               Botany                    Zoology                 Geology 
Agriculture                 Forestry 

Group - D 
Economics                                  Political Science                     Geography 
Public administration                  Sociology                              Commerce 
Psychology                                 Philosophy 

Group - E 
Civil Law                                       Criminal Law Muslim Law and jurispundance 
International Relations 

Group - F 
Pure Mathematics                              Applied Mathematics                                Statistics

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