Showing posts with label Hot Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot Weather. Show all posts

Saturday 22 April 2017

How to Avoid Dehydration

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How to Avoid Dehydration

Dehydration is when your body is losing more fluids than it is taking in. Often heat related, its other names are "heat stress", "heat exhaustion," "heat cramps," and "heat stroke," but it can occur even in cold temperatures. It's a common problem, especially among young children, people exercising, and sick people. Thankfully, it's usually fairly preventable.Image titled Improve Kidney Function Step 4
  1. 1
    Prevent it by drinking lots of water daily! By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Thirst can signal a water loss of 1% of body weight. Light-headedness can occur with as little as a 2% water loss.
    • Water contains no calories and is great for your health in other ways. The amount of water you need is dependent on body weight. Hospitals use a formula to compute water intake needs, because even a patient in a coma needs water! For an adult weighing 150#, 8 oz. of water every hour for 8-10 hours is about right, in a temperate climate, with a sedentary lifestyle. That works out to about 1/2 gallon of water per day. On a hot day, that can increase by 16-32 oz. Add in strenuous exercise, and intake needs can rise by another quart or more, per hour.
    • To figure out how much water you need in a day, follow the "half rule" and drink half your body weight (although, in ounces, not pounds.) For example, somebody who weighs 140 lbs needs about 70 ounces of water in a day.
    • You lose water in many different ways: urine, sweat, feces, and even breathing! Even if you are sleeping, water is being consumed by your body's functions.
  2. Image titled Be Good Looking Step 2
    Dress for the weather to make sure that you're not sweating more than you need to. If it's a hot, humid day, wear lighter clothes. Dress like desert dwellers do: light weight and light colored clothing that covers your skin and breathes reflects and insulates you from the sun.
  3. Image titled Decrease Your Appetite Step 6
    Water load when needed. If you're going to participate in a sport or a strenuous activity, then drink up before hand ("water loading"). Then drink at regular intervals (around 20 minutes or so) during the activity.
  4. Image titled Get Prescribed Xanax Step 9
    Keep an eye open for symptoms. The most common signs of dehydration are:
    • Thirst
    • Cracked lips, or a whitish deposit
    • Dizziness or lightheadedness, feeling faint
    • Dry, sticky mouth
    • Headache
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Producing less urine or darker urine
    • Stomach or leg cramping
    • Non-traumatic nosebleeds (minute cracks in the nasal tissue) which can be made more severe by blood-thinner medications
    • Feeling hot (Body temperature 99-102 degrees Farenheit)
  5. Image titled Get Rid of Sunstroke Step 9
    Take breaks when you show signs of dehydration. If you experience any of the symptoms above, then rest for a while in a cool area and drink plenty of water. Remove clothing that constricts blood flow, or air circulation. Remove dark colored clothing that absorbs heat. Remove clothing that doesn't breathe, such as plastics, or tightly woven garments. If you are feeling nauseous, or have already vomited, begin with sips of water, and keep sipping, even if you vomit again. As you begin to tolerate water, change sips to mouthfuls. To replace lost electrolytes, add diluted, non-caffienated sports drinks, or an apple, orange and a banana. Give nothing by mouth to an unconscious, or barely conscious person.
  6. Image titled Sleep Comfortably on a Cold Night Step 3
    Use wet towels or a water mist on the skin to aid in cooling. Water immersion, such as sitting in water, is OK as long as the body's core is not chilled, such as a brief dip in a pool.
    • Remember: it's not the water you get on you, but the water you get IN you that counts!
  7. Image titled Exercise After a Heart Attack Step 14
    Avoid any intentional dehydration. Some exercise equipment, and some weight loss preparations, achieve their "results" by dehydration. These include the rubber belly bands that cause sweating, and the "colon cleansers" and "loose 10 pounds a week" formulas that cause water loss, and not much else. Athletes have been known to use them to make a lower weight class, since water weighs 8.3 lbs per gallon. Once weighed, they then drink to replace the water lost. This is not a good idea for most of us.
  8. Image titled Get Rid of a Thigh Cramp Step 12
    Realize that leg cramps while exercising, or following exercise, are an exception. The cramping is caused by a build-up of lactic acid in the muscle, with insufficiently fluid blood to remove it. Staying still only pools this blood in the legs, adding to the problem. A recovery process called "hot walking" is best. As you drink water, you walk, even if it's painful, and the steps are tiny, or even if you need the support of another person to start. You'll probably need 16-24 oz. of water, and about 5-10 minutes of walking to see results, and another 5-10 minutes for full recovery. You will be amazed at the results! Massage and stretching offer little benefit.
  9. Image titled Cure a Fever at Home Step 21
    Combat the situation if you're sick. Dehydration can often occur with a stomach ailment. One loses lots of fluids through vomiting and diarrhea. So if you're sick, you may not feel like eating or drinking anything. But your best bet is to take tiny sips of room-temperature, clear liquids. Chicken broth (AKA "Jewish penicillin") is a great choice, and there is some science to support it. Sixteen ounces of water with a tablespoon of sugar, and a teaspoon of salt, replaces electrolytes as well (Pedialyte is a commercial version). Ice pops are a good choice, too. As you can tolerate it, a banana adds needed potassium.
  10. Image titled Deal With Fainting Step 13
    Look out for diabetes-related dehydration. Diabetes is another illness that can dehydrate you. An overabundance of sugar (a "diabetic coma") will increase urination as your body attempts to decrease the glucose in your blood. If you urinate frequently, see your doctor, who can tell quickly if diabetes is present. "Adult diabetes" (Type 2 diabetes) often caused by obesity and poor eating habits, is one of the most frequent undiagnosed diseases, and with the rise of pediatric obesity is now being seen more frequently in children. Treatment is often achieved by weight loss and diet and exercise changes.
  11. Image titled Get Rid of Sunstroke Step 1
    Treat heat stroke as an emergency. It is a severe change in mental status or unconsciousness, or body temperature above 102 degrees Farenheit, is a medical emergency! Call 911 (ambulance or fire support). Immediately cool the person off using whatever methods are available: shade, wet towels, a mister, fans, or a cool water bath (below the neck). Protect the airway, and ensure breathing. If you have ice packs, place them under the neck, in the armpits, and in the groin area. Once cooling has been achieved, remove it so that the core temperature stays above 96 degrees Farenheit. Give nothing by mouth until the person is conscious. Even if the person seems to have fully recovered, have them seek medical attention.

Friday 14 April 2017

How to Prevent Heatstroke

How to Prevent Heatstroke

Heatstroke, also known as sunstroke, is a severe condition in which the body cannot cool itself through sweating and becomes overheated  .

People are more likely to first have a heat cramp or heat exhaustion, which are less severe conditions. But when these problems are not treated and controlled in time, they lead to heatstroke.
Heatstroke is common among people living in hot, humid climates. It happens mainly due to a combination of dehydration and heavy exertion out in the sun.
Other factors that increase your risk are drinking alcohol, wearing excessive clothing, strenuous physical activity, sweat gland dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.
The main sign of heatstroke is a sudden increase in body temperature. Other symptoms include fatigue, headache and dizziness, decreased perspiration, muscle cramps or weakness, a rapid pulse rate, nausea and vomiting, flushed skin or redness, difficulty breathing, confusion and even loss of consciousness.
Anyone can experience this problem during the hot summer days, but some people are more susceptible to it. Elderly people aged 65 or older are more likely to get heatstroke. People traveling to hot, humid places for the first time are also at a higher risk.
Heatstroke can be fatal if not treated right away. Always seek professional help. Without proper treatment, it can cause severe damage to the brain or other vital organs.
However, there are many precautions and lifestyle changes that can help prevent heatstroke.
how to prevent heat stroke
Here are the top 10 ways to prevent heatstroke.

1. Avoid Peak Sun Hours

Stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. However, if it is very hot before or after these times, also avoid being out in the direct sun during those times.
avoid peak sun
If possible, schedule outdoor activities for the coolest times of the day, early morning or after sunset. If you need to go out when it is hot, make sure to apply sunscreen, wear a hat and stay in the shade whenever possible. Also, do not forget to carry a water bottle with you.

2. Get Acclimated to the Heat

Allow your body to acclimate to the heat to increase your ability to do strenuous work during the hot summer days. Acclimating means gradually getting your body used to the climate.
get acclimated to heat
A sudden change in temperature can cause illness. So, after spending a long time in the sun, rest a bit before going into an air-conditioned building. This will prepare your body to handle the change in temperature.
Similarly, after sitting in an air-conditioned area, stay outside in the shade for some time before going out in the sun.
If you travel to hot climates for vacation or work, allow your body to get used to the heat before spending your day outside.

3. Exercise Carefully

Exercise is good for your overall health, but any strenuous activity in the daytime during the summer months can raise your body temperature, leading to heat exhaustion or heatstroke.
exercise carefully

During the summer season, plan your exercise routine accordingly.
  • Avoid strenuous exercises during the day.
  • Avoid playing outdoor sports during the peak hours of the day.
  • Schedule your vigorous exercises for cooler times of the day.
  • If you go for a morning walk, do it before the outdoor temperature becomes too high.
  • Do aerobic exercises indoors and take regular breaks.
  • Consume enough fluids before, during and after exercising.
  • You can also opt for a gym, but make sure it is air-conditioned.

4. Park Your Car Sensibly

park yourcar sensibly under shade to protect against heatstroke

When parked in the sun, the temperature inside your car rises quickly. In addition, the oxygen level inside the car becomes dangerously low. This can lead to heatstroke and even death.
  • Park your car in a shady place.
  • Always lock your car after parking to prevent children from getting inside.
  • Do not sit in a parked car. Instead, stand outside your car under some shade.
  • Do not leave children or elderly people in a parked car, even if it is for a few minutes.
  • Do not leave animals, especially dogs, in a parked car.
  • Do not take a nap inside a parked car during the hot summer.
  • If you need to sit in the car on a hot day, make sure the air conditioning is on or at least open the windows all the way.

5. Try Home Remedies

To prevent heat exhaustion as well as heatstroke, you can even try some home remedies that can help regulate body temperature and keep your body cool.
  • Make a refreshing summer drink with the pulp of raw mangoes. Boil 4 to 5 raw mangoes with the skin. Allow them to cool, then extract the pulp. Put 2 tablespoons of the pulp in a glass of cold water. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon each of salt and roasted cumin seeds. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day to keep your body cool.
  • Onions are good to guard against heatstroke. You can consume onion in any form, preferably in raw form, to prevent heat-related issues in the summer.
  • The juices of coriander or basil leaves are also very effective in keeping the body cool.
  • Drink a glass of green coconut water a few times daily.

6. Dress for the Season

During the summer, you need to choose your clothing wisely.
cover your head to prevent heatstroke
  • Light fabrics that allow your body to breathe can help keep you cool. Fabrics like cotton, linen, seersucker and chambray are the best options.
  • Switch to a lighter color palette. Lighter shades do not absorb heat and help keep your body cool. At the same time, wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. Avoid wearing excess clothing or tight-fitting clothes that do not allow your body to cool properly.
  • When going out, cover your head with a wide-brimmed hat, cap or scarf. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes. Also, carry an umbrella to shield yourself from the sun’s rays.

7. Keep Yourself Hydrated

stay hydrated

  • When temperatures outside continue to rise, your body loses water faster and your body temperature can get high. By increasing your water intake, you can regulate your body temperature, prevent excessive sweating and avoid dehydration. All these factors will help prevent heatstroke.
    • Take regular beverage breaks and, if needed, set an alarm on your phone as a reminder.
    • Keep a water bottle handy so that you can take sips of water while you work or exercise.
    • Drink electrolyte-rich sports drinks to replenish lost electrolytes and water.
    • Drink water before and after exercising.
    • Apart from water, fluids like buttermilk and coconut water are also good options.
    • Avoid fluids containing either caffeine or alcohol as they can lead to dehydration.
    Note: Those who have epilepsy; heart, kidney or liver disease; or are on fluid-restricted diets must consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake.

8. Eat Wisely

Healthy Organic Watermelon Salad-opt

  • During the hot summer, you need to take extra care about your diet. A healthy and well-planned diet will keep your body healthy and prevent heat-related issues.
    • Include easily digestible foods in your diet. Yogurt is a good choice as it is cooling as well as easy to digest.
    • Include more fruits and vegetables with high water content and vitamin C in your diet.
    • Consume 2 to 3 glasses of buttermilk, made from yogurt, daily.
    • Avoid heavy meals. Instead, eat light meals 3 or 4 times a day.
    • Stay away from hot and spicy foods as well as fatty and fried foods.
    • Consume broths, soups and cereals with low-fat milk to keep your body hydrated.

9. Enjoy Cold-Water Baths or Showers

cold shower

  • You can also take a cold-water bath or shower to reduce body heat whenever you feel very hot. Immerse your entire body in cold water for 10 to 15 minutes to regulate body temperature. You can also add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to your bath.
    Do not immediately jump in a cold-water bath or shower after coming in from outside. Rest for some time, sip cool water and then take a shower or bath. This prevents putting your body through a sudden, extreme temperature change.
    If taking a bath or shower is not possible, spray cool water on yourself and sit in a cool place for 10 to 15 minutes.

10. Use Sunscreen Daily

  • Sunburn affects your body’s ability to cool itself, so protect yourself from getting sunburned by using a sunscreen. In addition, too much exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your skin and cause other problems like sunspots and wrinkles.
    Apply a good quality sunscreen on any exposed body parts before going outside. Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more, applying it generously all over exposed body parts like your hands, legs, neck, face and ears. Put the sunscreen on about 20 minutes before going out in the sun.
    Even on cloudy, rainy and winter days, you must use a sunscreen.
    Additional Tips
    • During the summertime, avoid drinking too much alcohol as it may affect your ability to judge temperature as well as lead to dehydration.
    • Do not over-exert your body and avoid activities under direct sun exposure.
    • Monitor the color of your urine to check for signs of dehydration. A dark yellow or amber colored urine points toward dehydration.
    • Keep windows that face the sun closed during the day and open them at night when the temperature has dropped.
    • Consider replacing metal blinds or dark curtains as they absorb heat.
    • If you suspect heatstroke, rest in a cool place and drink plenty of fluids. If possible, splash cool water on yourself or take a cold shower or bath to cool down your body.
    • If you notice someone having heatstroke, get immediate medical help without delay. While waiting for help to arrive, get the person out of the heat and into a cool area. Remove or loosen tight clothing and splash cool water on the person.
    • If taking blood pressure and heart medications, consult your doctor about how to prevent heatstroke.
    • If you have symptoms like high body temperature, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, seek immediate medical help.